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Author. Speaker. Mentor.

Fellow Journeyer.

LaVonia R. Tryon is an Author, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, and Mentor. A dynamic speaker and session leader, La Vonia is known to captivate her audience with creative and vivid examples as well as humorous crowd interactions. Her unique insight into scripture and wholehearted desire to deliver the voice of God to Singles is evident in her daily lifestyle and her writing style…reading her books and blogs is often compared to having a conversation with the author. She writes in a practical relatable way, that makes you laugh out loud in one sentence, and deeply contemplate your life choices in the next. Her life goal is to use her struggles as lessons for those walking in the same journey that she has traveled, and the very road that she is still on.

LaVonia has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and is currently working towards becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her education, coupled with unique life experiences add extra weight to her qualifications to share her Singles journey and motivate others to fully get into this season, before getting out of it. Her goal is to reach every Single in her sphere with the message that ‘you are enough, just as you are – just where you are. God hasn’t forgotten you. He has so much more for you in this season.’

Pieces of Me


NOT Another Singles Book was relaunched in 2020 and ranked as a #1 Amazon Bestseller in several categories.

What do The Singles do at Christmas: A minibook to surviving the holidays without killing your family – accompanied a webinar by the same name.

NOT Another Singles Workbook is released in December 2020.


LaVonia hosts dynamic and interactive webinars discussing topics of purpose, identity, Singleness and understanding your calling in life. She develops Curriculum based on the focus topics of Contentment, Purpose, Dating and Change, offering practical strategies and workshops to change those areas that are no longer serving you and solidify those that are. She is also a session leader and key note speaker.


LaVonia is Founder of But-I-FLY Ministries – a Movement dedicated to transforming peoples’ perspectives; giving
them the courage to not just get through life- BUT to Fly through it, rising to all that God has called them to be. But-I-FLY hosts subscription group mentorship calls, 1-1 Mentorship Programs, Change Courses and networking events. She is the Founder of Healing Hands of HOPE (Holistic Opportunities for Personal Enrichment) a disability advocacy agency that trains educators and employees to work with individuals with disabilities; as well as provides individualized services.


A Coach helps you feel better. A Mentor helps you get better. You don’t need another motivational speech, you don’t need someone to make you feel good about your stuck choices for an hour only to go back into the rest of your week into the dark – until your next call. You need change. You want to be different. You want to not feel alone, inadequate, like you’re missing out on something because of your stage in life. You don’t need an experience, you need a journey. LaVonia journeys together with you in weekly focus calls and individualized counseling and mentorship.

Let’s Journey together.

To contact LaVonia or book a speaking engagement – Please message us

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